A little bit more of me

I am a Self-Love Coach, Singer-Songwriter, Published Author in Brazil and Portugal, and a Yoga, Meditation & Healing Dance facilitator. I create workshops and retreats in the fields of spirituality and personal development, and I also guide groups on The St James Way. I have a degree in Journalism and also hold international certifications in Coaching, NLP and Enneagram. “Everything is Right” is my personal mantra. But most of all, this is who I really am: I’m a Free Spirit providing you HEART & SOUL GUIDANCE through Self-Love coaching, Pilgrimage & Healing Music.

Motivating people and being part of their transformation is my great passion

If you are reading these lines it’s because you have a thirst for transfomation and change at this moment of your life. The good news is that this is really possible! I tell you this because this happened to me too. I also went through this process, and when I took “the next step”, my rebirth began, and today I live the life of my dreams. Now it’s your turn to take your next step, to embrace your beautiful process of holistic transformation and live the life you had always dreamed of.

Are you ready to take the next step to transform your life?

Is everything ready to become the best version of yourself?

I believe that life can be magical from the moment we let go of what no longer makes sense to us, when we leave the past behind and only stays the lessons we learned from it remain. Magic happens and life becomes lighter when we really learn to listen and follow our heart, when we surrender to the fact that we can’t control everything, when we give ourselves body and soul to every life experience. I not only believe it, I know it’s possible because it all happened to me. That’s why I know it will happen to you too: just take the next step, you’re almost there!

Book your free meeting with me right now to talk about your healing process

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