Heart Guidance

This unique coaching program is designed to help you achieve your goals and make all your dreams come true by following the voice of your heart.

Self-Love Coaching is a process that aims to develop, challenge, support and empower you to sustainably reach you full potential to become the best version of yourself. Through some special tools, among them the power of the essential question, I will help to you find all the answers that you are looking for; the answers are already within you. I will be there to guide you on your way back to your heart.

How to get back to your heart?

During the process, the focus is on planning the present to build the future. It’s important to know what happened in your past, what brought you here, but the focus is on what you can do today to attract the future you desire. Self-Love Coaching is much more focused on feeling than thinking, because only that way you will get back to following your heart. It’s about unlocking your potential through action, because without new actions there are no different results. It’s not enough to say that we already understand at the mental level, we have to take action.

Self-Love Coaching is about action; actions guided by the heart.

I will support you in setting your goals and strategies to you live the life of your dreams

I will optimize the potential that already exists within you. I will assist you in your creation process, so that you can objectively see where you are now (current state) and where you really want to be (future state). all of this with little effort and also as much pleasure and lightness as possible. I am here to unconditionally support your self-growth, your process of self-discovery, I am here to celebrate your blossoming. For me, the important thing is that in the end you feel that your life is balanced with your values, your mission, and your life purpose.

So sometimes I will have to challenge you to go beyond, to think of more and more different solutions. I will invite you to get out of your comfort zone so that you can find the solutions you need, but always as a form of encouragement, always according to what you feel is best for you. Let’s get feedback from the situations, let’s learn from them, and let’s keep working until we get the results you want.

Let's walk together?

Book now your free online meeting with me!

Heartfelt Testimonials