The differences between the pilgrim and the tourist

Hello there, today we are going to talk about the DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE PILGRIM AND THE TOURIST, which is also the theme of the second video of PEREGRINART, video that is already available on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL.

Check below the 4 topics about the differences between being a pilgrim and being a tourist:

✔ THE PILGRIM GAZE: We say that someone has the pilgrim gaze when he wants to be part of the local life, when he talks to the local people, when he contributes with his presence and word to the place and the community that is receiving him.

✔ “THE TOURIST DEMANDS, THE PILGRIM IS GRATEFUL: This is one of the main differences between the pilgrim and the tourist. The pilgrim is usually in a state of gratitude towards the people who receive him, for the sharing and the experiences, while the tourist is often in the mode of demanding and complaining.

✔ THE TRUE PILGRIM: For me, any and all people who challenge themselves to leave their comfort zone and walk at least an average of 20 km a day for a certain period of time deserve my sincere applause. To be a true pilgrim is to be true to yourself during your pilgrimage experience, and perhaps in your life afterwards.

✔ THE PILGRIM FEELING: In a pilgrimage there are no differences of race, social class and sex, there are no rich and poor, nor white, black, red or yellow – we are all pilgrims towards the same goal, carrying a feeling of equality and brotherhood within our hearts. We are part of the same family when we are on pilgrimage.

This article is not about right or wrong, it is a sharing of my experience and what I have seen and heard when I am walking a PILGRIMAGE path, especially when I am on the ST JAMES WAY, which is where there are usually more pilgrims. The important thing is to prepare your BACKPACK and your SPIRIT to walk the path, whatever the route you choose and whatever your personal motivation 🙂

Check out VIDEO 2 of the PEREGRINART video collection below:

A kiss in your heart and BUEN CAMINO!


Heart & Soul Guidance through Heartcoaching, Pilgrimage and Healing Music

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